Expert interviews

Expert interviews

If you use the power of communities to connect with each other, you can achieve so much more. You can learn from each other and support each other, which makes your work so much fun. As a professional, influencer or company it is important to use the power of communities because it will make you learn to understand your target group. And if you really know what goes on in the heads of your target group, then you can communicate a lot more relevant. With as a result: great success. But what actually makes communities so powerful? 

The very best community experts are going to give you an answer to that shortly. They will share their story with you. So, you can learn from it. And let it inspire you. So, you can also get all the potency out of your community. No matter if it is an existing community or a new one. We all believe in the power of communities and therefore we like to share our story with you. As a community for communities. We love communities!

Almost all interviews are planned by now, there is still space for just a few community experts. Do you know of a community or community experts that really should be included in the book? Get in touch soon.

Maartje Blijleven, founder of We love communities, worked for, among others:
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